Artist Supporting Artists

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We are the first online music community where artists can sell their music and expand their fan base through our unique networking system

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What is Rtistree?

We are the first online music distribution community dedicated to creating a network place where independent music artists can sell their music to other supporting artists and fans.

In today's current market place of Streaming, file sharing, illegal downloading, and major label monopolies on music distribution channels, it's our responsibility to show power in the artist peer to peer support system in music sales

We have created a unique patent pending system that formulates a way for the "starving artists" to generate income from music. Today's independent artist must first motivate the consumer in leading by example. By joining the Rtistree movement, you the artist, now become the leading consumer.

Join the Movement!


One year membership
-Enroll Now for only $1


$5 supports 5 artists single

Build your Rtistree today!

Why choose Rtistree?

With just one single uploaded for sale with Rtistree's Artist supporting Artist Program (A.S.A.P), you can create an opportunity to generate a sizable income.

  • attach_moneyDistribute your independent music on our secure website and monitor your sales in real-time.
  • shareDouble your expose when your peers promote your music to their peer to peer (p2P) network.
  • people_outlineIncrease your opportunity to gain more fans.
  • trending_upWe report music sales to Nelson Soundscan.
  • subjectTake advantage of our non-exclusive term agreement.
  • add_shopping_cartRtistree strive to bring you new innovative ways to promote and sell your music to the masses.

Top Artists Featured by Rtistree

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